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I'm relating many events from the past week and updating you all on my life.
1. Last Friday, I went for my second interview with Big Multinational Company. It went well, I'm waiting to hear from them.
2. I got a Betta fish on Thursday. I went to a cocktail, their table's decoration consisted of Beta fish in bowls and when people left, we were asked to take one home or they'll flush them in the toilet.
3. I found an adoptive mom for Fishy on Wednesday.
4. We celebrated the closing mass of the Parish Anniversary on Sunday.
5. I came close of being a fish killer.
6. I've heard myself say many times to Mr.Cat: "Nope dude, we do not kill members of the family."
7. I was able to let go on the job thingy on Tuesday.
8. I was in church for the closing mass but didn't listen to the gospel, the sermon or took Holy Communion. I was at the door welcoming the visitors from the cruise ships.
9. Someone told me how precious I am and how much of a privilege it is to work with me. I almost cried...
10. I debated religion with friends on Friday. I should know better than getting my panties in a wad every time eh?!
11. I want to punch this sick fuck! A 55 years old man from Montreal is accused of child abuse but says that it's irrelevant to know whether he had sexual intercourse with the 10 years old girl because he married her in Quebec. Sick fuck! I have no sympathy, compassion for pedophile. I don't care what anyone thinks, they are scum!
12. I had a bad cold and sore throat in the past week. I'm feeling much better now, my voice still sounds weird but the rest is pretty much back to normal.
13. I ate at my friend's house a lot in the past 2 weeks. Lots of good meals and fun times. I also had lots of "mommy" meals. (Things you don't normally cook for yourself when you live alone) Thanks to those who invited me.
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1. Last Friday, I went for my second interview with Big Multinational Company. It went well, I'm waiting to hear from them.
2. I got a Betta fish on Thursday. I went to a cocktail, their table's decoration consisted of Beta fish in bowls and when people left, we were asked to take one home or they'll flush them in the toilet.

3. I found an adoptive mom for Fishy on Wednesday.
4. We celebrated the closing mass of the Parish Anniversary on Sunday.
5. I came close of being a fish killer.
6. I've heard myself say many times to Mr.Cat: "Nope dude, we do not kill members of the family."
7. I was able to let go on the job thingy on Tuesday.
8. I was in church for the closing mass but didn't listen to the gospel, the sermon or took Holy Communion. I was at the door welcoming the visitors from the cruise ships.
9. Someone told me how precious I am and how much of a privilege it is to work with me. I almost cried...
10. I debated religion with friends on Friday. I should know better than getting my panties in a wad every time eh?!
11. I want to punch this sick fuck! A 55 years old man from Montreal is accused of child abuse but says that it's irrelevant to know whether he had sexual intercourse with the 10 years old girl because he married her in Quebec. Sick fuck! I have no sympathy, compassion for pedophile. I don't care what anyone thinks, they are scum!
12. I had a bad cold and sore throat in the past week. I'm feeling much better now, my voice still sounds weird but the rest is pretty much back to normal.
13. I ate at my friend's house a lot in the past 2 weeks. Lots of good meals and fun times. I also had lots of "mommy" meals. (Things you don't normally cook for yourself when you live alone) Thanks to those who invited me.
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wow, you are so thoughtful and such a good fish mom!!
Is it possible for germs to spread through cyberspace? I think I've caught your cold.
This is very good news for Fishy. If Mr. Cat is like most felines, he just simply wasn't going to change his fish-loving ways!
That's a great list. I hope you're feeling better. That's nice about the fish.
I share your affection for paedophiles.
WFM: Thanks a lot and yeah, I just couldn't abandon a fish in a toilet, but he'll have a better home starting tomorrow. Less dangerous
The Gal herself: Maybe it is possible, the WWW is a powerful thing. ;)
Yeah Mr.Cat isn't doing this to be mean, he follows his instinct. He doesn't really "get" what I mean about family members. LOL!!!
Sandy: Thanks and thanks. :)
What is a Beta Fish?? Thats funny that you had to have a heart to heart with kitty..lol Things do happen for a reason but #11 made me sick to my stomach...Im with you on that one. Sick fuck is an understatement. Happy TT..thanks for stopping by:)
LOL. I think that's exactly how my brother ended up with his beta fish (Typhoid Mary). I think my parents brought it home from some work related party.
Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
Lori: If you follow my post about the Betta fish, I link a site that talks about them. It's basically a fish that can live in a small bowl by itself without much. They are fighters, so if you put 2 in a bowl, they'll fight until one dies. :eek:
In regards to Daniel Cormier, that sick fuck is lucky I don't leave close to him, I'd give him a piece of my mind. He was on television tonight saying his shit. UGGH!!!! He's the founder of some type of church...
pussreboost: Yeah, it was a work related cocktail. You know, as much as I understand things being "in", using living creatures to decorate a room like they are disposable pisses me off. They are living creatures...
At least my fish and SW's fish will have a good life with our common friend. :)
Great TT. I'm glad you found a fishy home, errr...ummm I mean a home for your fishy! ;)
Glad you found a home for the fishy:)
Yeah, fishy is happy too. er, I'm sure he is, even if he doesn't realise it.
The pedophile should be executed. I have no mercy for such evil creatures. But fish I like. Cats too.
My #51st Thursday Thirteen is up. It is the "I'll take Charley Weaver to Block" edition. 13 Questions and Answers from the old Hollywood Squares TV Show Stop by if you get a chance.
I love Betta fish! At one point I had 15, each of different colors - including pink, yellow, and black. Hehehe! Happy T13!
Dane bramage: I understand your anger, totally. I just went and visited your TT!!
Tempest knights: they are beautiful fish, but with a cat, it wasn't very fun to always have to "hide" fishy and worry he'd be killed. He will be happy at my friend's house. :)
#11 is truly disgusting. Please tell me this guy is doing time.
Malcolm: If you follow the link, he's currently on trial but he's defending himself, he'll all over the fucking news DEFENDING the fact that whether he had sex with a 10 years old kid is irrelevant because they were married. It's a cult related fucked up business.
The guy needs his ass in jail..
linking from another blog
For those whose wives are in grade school Former Montreal mayoral candidate Daniel Cormier, 53, told a preliminary inquest that Quebec’s civil code allows adults to marry children as young as seven. The pastor and former Wisdom Party chief was arrested in June 2002 for marrying a 10-year-old girl. Cormier, who now heads the Downtown Church of Montreal near Place d’Armes, plans to defend himself in court starting Jan. 6 by relying on the 140-year-old law, which he argues was in force when he wed the child in 1999.
This creepy guy is justifying his pedophile acts because he says was married to them. (how can a 53 years old man marry a 10 years old girl in fucking canada? Quebec??? Ridiculous. What a sick fuck!!! He was on the news arguing his bullshit. I wanted to punch the moron!!!
Awww, I'm glad you found your fish a new adoptive home! Betta fishies are very pretty. :)
Yes, but were they your new fancy panties that got bunched up over some celibate guys??? That would make even my inner Capuchin laugh. ;)
Great list!
Thomma lynn : you are right, they are very very pretty.
Claudia: I think they were my news sexy panties... Altho, I have to say, I'm not really sure and my friend (with whom I argued is married) . But don't worry, my sexy lingerie is going to serve me. :grin:
As always, an entertaining list. I'm glad the second interview went well. You're going to get that job!
Thanks Nicholas!!!! I sure am ready for it!!! :) Whatever happens but I'm perfect for the job!!!!
Wow..good news for ur interview..
I can't believe they were going to flush the fish down the toilet! That's awful. Well done for saving yours and finding them a good home!
My TT post is up here if you want to check it out.
Happy TT!
Betta fish have a tough time in my house too. I can't believe someone went out and got them and was then willing to flush them all. Very tacky.
Congrats on finding Fishy a new home. And shame on Mr. Cat for not sharing better! (I know, like my cats would have done better... but still. I can tell them they ought to try. Cats are like kids; they don't listen.)
Sounds like you had a productive week. Very cool!
That's so cool that you look for an adoptive mom for fishy.
How, though, did you come close to killing it? Beta's are pretty good about not dying, they are my favorite fish (only because you can put a mirror in the bowl, and it will attack the mirror, LOL)
:-) Happy TT
wolfie: Thanks alot
Amy palko: yes they were because the betta fish were used as a decoration. So if people didn't want to foster them, they were going down the toilet drain.
Robin: I agree with you. Why do betta fish have a hard time in your home?
Susan: It's like they can't help themselves. :) Thanks to my friend for taking mine and SW's. :)
Morgan: If you follow the link I put on the place I said I came close to becoming a fish killer because to prevent Mr.Cat from killing fishy, I put a glass dish on the bowl. The air couldn't get in or out. Poor fish was being choke off. I wasn't my intent but as I was talking with SW and telling her how my fish was she told me that I was going to kill it if I kept the glass dish on the bowl.
DUH!!! That's how I came close to becoming a killer...
Hi dear you are precious -you have a good heart and fight for the underdog:>
I'm so glad to hear about the job. I'm guessing that your outfit for the first interview was perfect!
Sounds like you had a lot of "fun"... this week.. :) Glad you're not a fish killer.
I'm with you on the idiocy of decorating with live beings only to flush them after the event. That's business thinking for you. Not cost effective to actually find a home for them afterwards, but to count on the types of people at the event who will do the work for them. (POW right in the kisser)
#11 is gaining quite a following. Made up of a mob carrying pitchforks and torches...
Any news on your new job? You certainly have alot of things going on but since I'm starting a new job Monday, that issue looms large!!
Glad you found Mr. Fish a new home. I have 3 cats and Mr. Fish wouldn't have done well here, either!!
Happy TT!
Man, #11 arrrgh..sick bastards!
Yea for new fishy moms and caring, loving, protective old fishy moms. Great TT. I am working on that dancing thing, I promise!
good luck on your job!!! i really like the picture of your kitty sleeping. so cute! ;)
Lol... love the "cat" comment! Great TT!
Joy: Thanks soo much for the comment, you made my day! Hugs your way!!!
buck naked politic: Yeah, I think first outfit was perfect. 2nd one was thought about as much before to. :) I can't wait for news!!!
yh: I'm glad I'm not one too! :)
Julia: Yeah, how ridiculous it is to use live things to decorate and dispose of them after. I'm glad we took them home and found them a family!!!
about the sick fuck, I'm joining the mob!!!
Lara: I'll think of you for your new job next week!!! ***positive vibes*** And nope, I haven't heard anything. When I'm not home, I check my answering machine every hour and nothing. Last friday they told me I'd hear from them in the following 2 weeks. Only one has passed.
I'm sure Mr.Fish wouldn't have been happy with 3 cats! LOL!!!
Lori: Yeah I know what an animal. Wish I could give him a piece of my mind. UGGH!!!
Vixen: It's fine about the dancing thingy, I'm patient. Happy TT to you too!!!
Soleil: Thanks for the wishes. The cat picture isn't actually of my cat. Mine's wayy cuter than this. LOL!!!
Annette: Happy TT and thanks. :)
Hope you are feeling better!
You have been busy. I never ever debate religion.
Have a good weekend!
Nancy: I'm feeling much better. I should learn from you and not debate religion but I always get caught up! LOL
I wish you a great weekend too!
Thanks for visiting my Yeats TT last week. I've been away for the weekend, so I'm very late to return the favour!
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