Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thirteen things I want to do in 2008

Happy New Year to everyone, may 2008 bring you and yours Peace, Joy and Love. mrgreen

1. Pass my driver's license.

2. Move to a better apartment.... if that doesn't happen, it's gonna be alright

3. Buy a car

4. Attend a is planned and I'll be attending

5. Switch to digital cable telephone... That will happen January 15

6. I want to take vacations...

7. I want to drink really good wine

8. I want to lose couple of pounds.

9. I want to sail again...

10. I want to feel better within the catholic church...

11. I want to have better sleeping patterns...

12. I want to help Mr.Cat to lose weight...

13. I want to buy a new mattress for my bed.

What do you want for 2008? mrgreen

I'm alive

I've got plenty to blog about, I'll post my TT tonight.

Hope you guys are OK and had fun!!! May the year 2008 be filled with Love, Peace and Joy!! mrgreen

I'm in jeans, I baked biscottis all afternoon, I'm now watching TV while surfin' the web, reading my friend's blogs to be up to date with you guys! mrgreen