Sunday, December 30, 2007

An update AKA I'm too lazy to blog....

Hey guys, I'm finally updating. I've been too lazy, too tired, too busy to post an update. confused You know, when you don't take time to stop and sit down, it makes it more difficult to update eh?

I worked Thursday and Friday, which was okay. I wasn't swamped with work but I kept myself occupied, I had a party/dinner on Friday night, it was really fun, food was good, friends were great, we danced and laugh a lot.

And yesterday, jeez, I was in charge of keeping TTF busy in the afternoon to keep him away from his home because we were doing a surprise party for his birthday, so TFB and I kept him busy doing stuff for the parish. move boxes, item, physical work that I had to do also. lol But I had to make up stuff to keep him with me and he thought I was insane but I had a good excuse and he didn't know there was going to be a party! mrgreen And he knows I'm not a needy, insane girl... lol The party was fun, many people, great food, he deserved it because he's great. I got home after 2h30 AM, that was very very late. I slept until 11h30. wink

I'm in my jammies, I am slowly getting ready to work tomorrow...I wish I could stay in my pajamas but whatever... I'll be working but I'm whining for no good reasons, I have Tuesday and Wednesday off. mrgreen Can you believe it's going to be the year 2008 in a few hours??? eek

Whacha been doin'? Anything fun? Special? Blog worthy? mrgreen Tell me!