Following an hour long talk with The Friendly Boss (TFB), ( my friend and former boss from before), I updated my presentation letter and my resume and actually send an application for a job as a customer sales representative, something similar to what I'm doing now. I know am good at it, I enjoy that type of job.
It helped me to do an action like this one, a first step. I've been looking at jobs, classes in tech school, in college, at university. I've been kinda looking everywhere. Tonight the long talk helped me focus and ACT. It pacified me, the talk really did... Share about my day, my stress, my weekend, his too and his perceptions . I'm feelin' good, focus on the only thing I can control: my attitude.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
God, Thank you for giving love and family to some close people around me who deserve the best and needed badly those moments....
If people want to keep in their thoughts and prayers my colleagues who were laid-off Thursday, I'm sure it'd help.
I've been listening to this since yesterday. How sad is this? Borderline pathetic eh? Hold me for a while is the name of the song.
It helped me to do an action like this one, a first step. I've been looking at jobs, classes in tech school, in college, at university. I've been kinda looking everywhere. Tonight the long talk helped me focus and ACT. It pacified me, the talk really did... Share about my day, my stress, my weekend, his too and his perceptions . I'm feelin' good, focus on the only thing I can control: my attitude.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
God, Thank you for giving love and family to some close people around me who deserve the best and needed badly those moments....
If people want to keep in their thoughts and prayers my colleagues who were laid-off Thursday, I'm sure it'd help.
I've been listening to this since yesterday. How sad is this? Borderline pathetic eh? Hold me for a while is the name of the song.