Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I found an adoptive mom for my fish!

lol Yup, I found Fishy a new mom and a new home. He's moving out tomorrow. I was with a friend today and came the topic of my blog and Fishy and she offered to take him. How fantastic is that? I also pushed the adoption of SW's fish. I knew she didn't really want him, she, like me was stuck with it, and because it's alive, you can't just flush it down the toilet! You can but you are cruel, really cruel.

So TFB and SW are really happy, they know the adoptive mom well. biggrin I called and said "I found an adoptive mom for your fish and mine if you want". If she wanted? She was making moving out arrangement for tomorrow. lol Yeah, we are silly!!! mrgreen

Because I've let go last night and it made me feel 100% better, I totally focused on something else today and helped a friend and we'll finish tomorrow. Meanwhile, no news from Big Multinational Company but as we say in french "Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles" or " No news is good news".

So that's it, I need to do my Thursday Thirteen!!!! eek

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