Overheard after the PAC meeting tonight... We were having coffee and wine after the meeting, Older dude and former politician decide to leave. We all say goodbye... The get back 30 seconds later telling us the door's locked. I take TFB's keys and offer to unlock it. I get to the door:
Older Dude: Aren't you scared to be alone with us?
Me: Nah, why would I be???
OD: I told former Politician I would push you on the wall (then he tries to push me gently, jokingly done, cornering me)
ME: I'm warning you, having your ass kicked by someone who wears steel toe shoes will be painful...
Former Politician cracks up and laughs his ass offOlder Dude wasn't laughing...
Honest to God dude, don't piss off a woman on her period.It's dangerous!!!!