Friday, July 20, 2007

Not very witty tonight!

lol Sadly, I'm not witty or funny tonight. I guess it's because it's friday night and the week was crazy at work and on the private sides. It's a week after The Breakup and it seems soo much water has gone under the bridge. A week and it's night and days.

SW would be soo proud of me. I was able to stop NA from going on about my dating situation. I did exactly like SW and I talked about yesterday:

There is nothing to talk about and I WILL NOT to discuss any of this.

I had to say it 3 times in a row but it worked.mrgreen

A week after the breakup and I sleep better, my mood is better and I can give soo much more at work and with friends. It has lift pounds of rocks of my chest. That's just amazing.

In regards to MsDM, she's alive. I spent 3 hours there this afternoon. I have agreed to take the schedule of being there for supper this weekend and we'll check what spot I can fill next week. I could take monday and friday for supper, the rest, yours truely is working until later these evenings.rolleyes I wish I could be replaced for some nights. :::sigh:::

Have I already said that I was free? It feels soo good! I need to work on an assignement that SW gave me yesterday. wink I'm off to do it, have a great night! Bonne nuit!

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