Following an hour long talk with The Friendly Boss (TFB), ( my friend and former boss from before), I updated my presentation letter and my resume and actually send an application for a job as a customer sales representative, something similar to what I'm doing now. I know am good at it, I enjoy that type of job. 
It helped me to do an action like this one, a first step. I've been looking at jobs, classes in tech school, in college, at university. I've been kinda looking everywhere. Tonight the long talk helped me focus and ACT. It pacified me, the talk really did... Share about my day, my stress, my weekend, his too and his perceptions
. I'm feelin' good, focus on the only thing I can control: my attitude.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
God, Thank you for giving love and family to some close people around me who deserve the best and needed badly those moments....
If people want to keep in their thoughts and prayers my colleagues who were laid-off Thursday, I'm sure it'd help.
I've been listening to this since yesterday.
How sad is this? Borderline pathetic eh? Hold me for a while is the name of the song. 

It helped me to do an action like this one, a first step. I've been looking at jobs, classes in tech school, in college, at university. I've been kinda looking everywhere. Tonight the long talk helped me focus and ACT. It pacified me, the talk really did... Share about my day, my stress, my weekend, his too and his perceptions

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
God, Thank you for giving love and family to some close people around me who deserve the best and needed badly those moments....
If people want to keep in their thoughts and prayers my colleagues who were laid-off Thursday, I'm sure it'd help.
I've been listening to this since yesterday.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Keep on thinking positive!
Ok, I didn't say anything Sunday...because you "didn't want to talk about it." But I want you to know you really are mature and intelligent and you can handle this. I am so glad that your talk with TFB led to action, because action always makes you feel better even if it doesn't lead to a result. Praying for you. (I bet our prayers for each other crash somewhere over North America, ha ha).
Happy to see you staying positive about everything. :o)
sending you love and shiny thoughts. :)
Thank heavens for friends who know exactly what to say and what to do when you can't think. I'm glad TFB is there for you.
Take care of yourself. Sleep well and eat right and keep talking to people like TFB who can help you maintain your focus. You have a lot to offer, a great attitude and a lot of energy. I'm sure this will all work out exactly the way it's meant to.
This is such a tough time, but you are handling it so gracefully. Shows you what you are made of! Take good care of yourself, keep going forward and have faith. I know you have that!
Take care and sending lots of good thoughts...
I have been behind in my reading and wow, your's caught me by surprise. But in the short time I have been reading your blog, I think you're a survivor and will get an even better job.
Good for you for finishing out your time, it's never a good idea to burn bridges.
Hang in there and keep us posted.
Hey, I did something fun and sent it to your email...check it out and let me know what you think!
thanks susan :)
Vixen, thanks for the prayers, thanks for thinkign of me. I'm glad TFB is there also... I'm blessed to be surrounded by great friends...
Thanks Candy!!! :)
Jehara, thanks for the love and shiny thoughts!
Julia, I'm soo happy he is there also... The man is a rock for me. :) Friends and health is what matters...
Gal Herself: You are right, it always does work out. :)
Lara: You, are an example of strenght and courage...thanks for caring. :)
Jenny: Your words mean a lot to me... Thanks ***hugs***
Nap: I love love the template....
Vixen: hugs back sweetie. :)
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