1. I'm really grumpy in the morning
2. I love to sleep and prefer that to many things
3. I believe in true commitment before sex
4. I'm a night owl
5. I have been through hell and got my life back on track
6. I believe there's a man somewhere that is my true match
7. If I learned today that I had terminal cancer, I'd start smoking again
8. I love chocolate
9. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart
10. I'd love to have kids but not at any cost
11. One of my greatest fear is becoming like my mother
12. I'm very jumpy and when taken by surprise, I scream. I mean really loud
13. I blush easily
2. I love to sleep and prefer that to many things
3. I believe in true commitment before sex
4. I'm a night owl
5. I have been through hell and got my life back on track
6. I believe there's a man somewhere that is my true match
7. If I learned today that I had terminal cancer, I'd start smoking again
8. I love chocolate
9. I love Jesus Christ with all my heart
10. I'd love to have kids but not at any cost
11. One of my greatest fear is becoming like my mother
12. I'm very jumpy and when taken by surprise, I scream. I mean really loud
13. I blush easily
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Not to be morbid, but I used to be afraid of being like my mother....until she died way too young. There were people lined up down the street and around the corner at her funeral who talked about her in ways I just never appreciated. She touched so many many lives. Now when someone says, "you're acting just like your mother," or "you remind me of your mother" I heartily say "thank you!!" just a little food for thought on this TT13.
I'm sorry about your mom Kathy. :(
Thanks for the food for thoughts, it's something to think about, really.
I agree with Kathy, and that's the first one that struck me. Then, I don't know your mom, so I'd be talking out of turn. That's a good list. I'll be sure never to surprise you!!
The Mother is a good woman, but there is just soo much more to the story...
Yeah, I'm a screamer, bloody murder screams!! lol I'm nervous, what can I say!
There are some things about my mother I'd love to imitate, but there are others where I think - no way!!
This totally makes sense Denise!!!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
I'm not much of a morning person either. Great list! Thanks for sharing!
Sorry about your Mom and #10 - not possible!! LOL! ; )
Yeah about #10, already have them eh? LOL
Thanks for visiting my place today.I am a night owl like you.Your list is great and I can relate to many of them.I look, talk and act like my mom, but that is a good thing!!!
My sister is a Social Worker and works for a Catholic Adoption agency in N.C. She has been to China, Russia and other places with her work.She loves her job and working with babies. Baba
I'm glad to hear your sister likes to work for a catholic adoption agency, I can imagine the pleasure of giving babe a great family!!!
You and me both huh are night owls, I do get up at 6 AM to go to work 5 days a week but I hate it because I like to stay up very late...
I enjoyed your blog!
I love to sleep too- and if you ask my hubby, he'd say I am grouchy in the morning. How can he tell if I don't talk until 9am? LOL
lol, I'm totally like that. How can they "know" we are grumpy, when we stay silent for at least an hour after waking up huh? ;)
I'm just like you on 1, 2, 4, and 7.
i'm just like you about sleeping and the night owl.
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