Wednesday, February 20, 2008

13 tv shows I've been watching

I have a lot of times on my hands so I've been watching TV, everything is not interesting so I'm kinda wasting my time but it keeps me occupied. mrgreen I've got a bit of a cold but I'm happily doing my Thursday Thirteen.

1. House I always thought he was rude as hell, but he still is but he grew on me...

2. Law and Order Criminal Intent

3. Dr.Phil

4. Oprah

5. Judge Judy

6. North of the 60th

7. Annie et ses hommes A quebecer show...

8. CSI New York

9. CSI Miami

10. Maury that's pretty pathetic...

11. Law and Order SVU

12. Super Nanny

13. Desperate Housewife

So which of these shows are you watching? mrgreen


Anonymous said...

I love the blog re-design. How's your new job going?

As for TV, I don't have cable but I watch some shows online or on DVD. I like 30-Rock (NBC) particularly, these days. Very funny.

SandyCarlson said...

Sadly, American Idol. Simon liked somebody. I can't believe it. Feel better!

The Gal Herself said...

I'm watching Idol right now. I LOVE SVU, and keep hoping Elliott and Olivia will discover they're in love. Judge Judy is one of my guiltier guilty pleasures.

Lori said...

Super Nanny is a crack up. It makes you wonder how some people can be so stupid when it comes to raising kids. I hope all is great in your world. Happy TT.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I'm right now watching Criminal Minds. LOVE this show.

As for the others... nope. Sorry. I don't watch much else besides this and hockey. I'm boring... but well read. (not to mention prolifically writing!)

Anonymous said...

I confess to watching Judge Judy every weekday! And I still watch desperate housewives (when it's on) even though there is no longer a single character in it that I like.


SJ Reidhead said...

Good list.

The Pink Flamingo

Karen said...

I'm afraid I don't watch much TV because of the kids and working, but I keep hearing I need to watch Super Nanny -- I might get some good pointers!
Thanks for stopping by dear friend!
Happy TT!

Chelle Y. said...

I am watching #1, 4, 8, 11, and 13! :)

House is my favorite!

Melanie said...

HOUSE Rocks!

Cynthia said...

CSI Miami is my absolute fav! Husband says I have an irrational obsession with Horatio!

Feel better:)

Open Grove Claudia said...

Oh honey. We need to find something for you to do! Gosh - do you knit? are you reading good books? I guess I'm worried that you are getting depressed....

I hope you're OK.

Addicted to crafting said...

Claudia: I replied to you with an email. :)

Thanks for stopping by guys and girls!

soleil said...

i don't watch any of these shows. i haven't been keeping up with tv lately though. . .

The Land of Rozz said...

Oprah and Desperate Housewives!!! I never miss an episode! Happy TT!

Juliana RW said...

I watch Oprah and Dr. Phil :D

My T13 #1

Anonymous said...

I went with TV for my TT, too! There are a few of the same, but I think I need to give House another try since I hear great things but thought he was kind of jerk when I caught bits of just a few episodes. Happy TT!

candyQ said...

I also watch #s 1, 4, 8, 9, 11 and 13! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on House, it just grew on me and now I'm a definite fan.

Oprah, CSI:NY, and Law and Order SVU are the others we have in common.

Happy TT. Hope you feel better soon.


Mia Celeste said...

Good idea for a TT! I like Super Nanny, Oprah and Dr. Phil.

Anonymous said...

Of all of these shows I only watch House. Love it!!

storyteller said...

I don't watch much TV at all, but I watched the guys American Idol for the first time last night (having recorded it the night before) ... and plan to watch the gals today. I figured I should see what everyone's talking about finally. I used to watch Oprah and catch it occasionally even now. My sister never misses Judge Judy, and her husband watches all the L&O shows (and spinoffs)!
Hugs and blessings,

Tempest Knight said...

I'm watching Moonlight, Torchowood, Ghost Whisperer, Ghost Hunters, Stargate Atlantis, and South Park. Hahaha!

Dallas Meow said...

most of those I have never seen . . not much time for tv.
happy TT

Anonymous said...

I'm totally addicted to Law and Order - suv is my favorite, but I watch them all

I love monk and psyche too!

happy TT my very first one is up!

Unknown said...

I love all the CSI and Law & Order shows, I am also watching American Idol.
Don't do much daytime TV though.
Great new blog look.

Malcolm said...

Although I watch plenty of TV, I currently don't view anything on your list. My TV habits leans towards sporting events, Pardon the Interruption, Around the Horn, Turner Classic Movies, some primetime series (How I Met Your Mother, Two and A Half Men, Pushing Daisies), and various reruns.

Anonymous said...

I've got Desperate Housewives tivo'd, waiting for my husband to sit down and watch it with me. I may have to watch it by myself, I'm getting tired of waiting!

pussreboots said...

I watch House and sometimes the CSI shows and rarely the various Laws in Order. Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

It is never Lupus!!! I really like House and I do watch Oprah on occasion. Great TT!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I bump into 'House' now and then, and I watch Dr. Phil if I'm home during the week because my husband loves Dr. Phil. 'North of 60' is a good one, too.

Anonymous said...

House is hilarious. He's rude, you're right, but he keeps us cracking up. My wubby is addicted to reality tv, so that doesn't leave time for much else.

Anonymous said...

doesn't the open id leave our links? Blogger is always frustrating to leave comments on. Half the time I end up leaving in frustration.

Addicted to crafting said...

byrningbunny nope it doesn't work but your link works in your name.

I'm sorry about blogger... :(

Barbara said...

I usually watch #'s 2 and 11. Great list.

Anonymous said...

#1 and #11 are my absolute favorite shows EVER!!

Great TT!