Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thirteen things in my purse!

1. My ugly wallet
2. USB smart drive
3. Cell phone
4. Pills (allergy, tylenol, anti-nausea, anxiety...)
5. Condoms (you never know, better be safe than sorry)
6. Makeup (lipgloss, pressed power, mascara)
7. Tampax tampons
8. keys
9. A Book (where I write down my work hours)
10. A Set of keys
11. Rosary (given to me by MsDM's family)
12. Pen
13. Chewing gum


Unknown said...

I'm trying to decide what to 13 this week...

Malcolm said...

It sounds like you have most of the bases covered with your purse comments. Thanks for stopping by my TT.

Addicted to crafting said...

Jenna, how about you do a 13 things about me? So I could know you a little better? :)

Addicted to crafting said...

You are most welcome Malcolm and thanks to you for stopping by! :)

Anonymous said...

this was so entertaining and a good idea for a list - although my purse would be so boring compared to yours!

Addicted to crafting said...


I'm sure it wouldn't be boring. I hesitated in listing the 13 things or taking pictures of them...

Anonymous said...

heh heh heh heh

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

The humor I found was that you have condoms and a rosary. Hilarious!

Thanks for stopping.

Lori said...

LOL...i think Ive got you beat;)

Anonymous said...

I like it. I have done my frig and my desk but never my purse. I will have to do that. Visit me at

Addicted to crafting said...

@indiana Amy

I can see how that would be funny!!! Condoms are just in case, like we buy insurance policy just in case. ;) A rosary is a must for me. :)

Anonymous said...

I wanna piece of gum. ;)

Thanks for dropping by. Happy TT.

Addicted to crafting said...

@crazy working mom

here's a whole pack of sugarfree gum!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun list, I just got a great new purse for my b-day with an organizer inside. I have lots of stuff in it. Too much to say in this reply but love the idea that you made it a TT. I may have to use that sometime

Addicted to crafting said...

Thanks Marnini and happy birthday in advance!@!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my site. A very practical list. Have a great weekend, XINE

Anonymous said...

Hi, No Nonsense. Thanks for sharing. I hope you're having a good week.

Ingrid said...

You are absolutely right ! better be safe than sorry, you could even offer one to a rapist, lol !

Jennfactor 10 said...

I have five out of thirteen. (Not being Catholic, the whole rosary thing would be a little odd for me...)

Thanks for stopping by, and Happy TT!

Karen said...

I have all that stuff, plus my daughter's stuff too. No wonder my purse is the size of Delaware!!
Great TT!

Joyismygoal said...

Wow I have all but the condoms , tampons and rosary But I'm covered on all those needs good TT:>

Anonymous said...

Great list. Mine would be similar if I emptied my purse. Happy TT

Anonymous said...

Entertaining list. I have 8 of the 13 in my own. :)

Happy TT


Tilly Greene said...

You have a purse to cover every contingency - were you a girl scout?

Anonymous said... least you can find the stuff in your purse!!!

Happy TT.

PS, re: the hives, try icing them down when they itch and then putting calamine on them--it's helped me.

Addicted to crafting said...

@ Gattina, I would kick a rapist's ass !!!

@factor 10 Yeah' i can imagine, a non-catholic carrying a rosary in his purse would be a little bit odd. LOL!!!

@Lady angelina, I totally know what you mean minus the kids's stuff, my purse and work bags are full!

@joy you are missing the best!!:::wink::::

@tillygreen Nope, never been a girl scout, I'm a think about everything in advance type pf girl!

@journeywoman Thanks for the hives advice ;)

Carina said...

I'd love to do this one for a TT, but my stuff transfers so quickly from diaper bag to purse to swimming bag to car seat it would be hard to find a good time to do it.

Uisce said...

if I had a purse I'd have #1, #3, #8, #12, #13 -- plus my SD card instead of #2

April Elizabeth said...

my great aunt honey always says "always carry ac omment, im not promoting promiscuity, but you never know when you'll meet a man who makes your blood boil" shes 75.

Thanks for introfucing me to this!

Addicted to crafting said...

@April your great aunt is a wise one!!!! He He He

Mia Celeste said...

Your purse is a lot more interesting than mine!

K.M. Saint James said...

Ijust did this. It was amazing the things I found. AND a little a scary!


Melli said...

LOL! I wear my USB on my keychain! Keep the important stuff near & dear! :)

Anonymous said...

If you're in in your twenties, you are YOUNG! You don't need to say 20-something! Great TT list!

Marcia Francois said...

I Love the name of your blog!

I also like autumn better - that's why I chose a wedding date in autumn and it was perfect!!!

Organising Queen,
Clutter Control Freak and
Marcia's take charge blog

Addicted to crafting said...

@sniz I'm going to still be in my twenties for another year for sure ;-)

I'm in my late twenties!!!

Have a great day!!!

Michelle said...

Just how large is your purse? Thanks for stopping by my TT list.
Happy TT!

Deb said...

Great list! Thanks for the visit and comment! :)

The Mistress of the Dark said...

There's something scary about having a rosary and a condom in the same place!!!

Thanks for stopping by my place earlier!

Addicted to crafting said...

to all of those who think it's odd or scary to have both a rosary and a condom, why is that?

I attend weekly mass, I pray every day but I'm also a girl livin in my time.

I haven't had sex in a very long time ( I know, too freaking much information huh?) BUT I'm ready to be safe if it happens. Catholic are normal people ya know! :-P

My purse is big but not that big! :-D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my TT. Yours is a great idea for a TT.

I'm sad to report that I have too many things in my purse to narrow down to just 13.

Unknown said...

What a good idea! Sounds like most of the same things I have in my purse.

Unknown said...

Your purse sounds a lot like mine!

Marilyn said...

Wow... I'm a convert and a real person too :)

The church's public stance on some subjects is all the public has to go by sometimes. The actual daily life of a real Catholic person is not in everybody's experience.

I don't cary a purse. I'm weird that way.

Addicted to crafting said...


I'm glad to *meet* another normal convert!

You are right, sometimes the only thing people know about us or the church is the public stance. And not all catholic (albeit practicing ones) agree with these stances 100%.

I know I don't. ::shrug:::

Addicted to crafting said...

@marilyn about the purse, you ARE weird. Where do you carry everything???

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Great list! You've got a lot of practical things in your purse. Mine would have things like "Crumpled up napkin" "used kleenex" and "dried out food that must have fallen in a long time ago."

Addicted to crafting said...

@shauna LOL!!!!

The Gal Herself said...

I'm reading your posts in reverse order, so I just got to your TT on Saturday. Glad you're carrying condoms on your birthday, and I hope you have a joyous and happy celebration.

Addicted to crafting said...

@ The Gal Herself

Thanks and yea it's kinda nice huh to be, huh, proactive. ;)