You, of all feline creature were born with a purring machine inside of you. God may have not given you a big brain and all but heck, you've got the loudest purring machine inside of you.
You, of all creatures has the ability to calm me down, make me smile and piss me off.
I love you Mr.Cat, I really do.

Awww, I love my large purring machine as well!
Awww...that's so sweet. I can totally relate, only to my doggie and birdie.
I don't have a cat, but my dog makes these little rhythmic whines that are really similar to purrs when she's snuggling with me. I just love that! Animals have their own language of contentment, and I'm happy to hear my dog's happiness - just like your cat's purring.
Glad it makes sense for other people. :)
our pets are awesome eh? :)
I love my entire fur family: Joey (who is an enormous tub of affection), Charlotte (who is so dainty and regal), and yes, even Reynaldo (who is a Tasmanian Devil in a cat suit). Thank you -- and Mr. Cat -- for reminding me to appreciate all the unconditional love I have to bask in!
I miss having an animal in the house! This made me miss it even more!
"...not given you a big brain..." ??? You say that to your cat? Don't you know that cats are so clever they don't need big brains! They do very well indeed with the ones they have!
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