1. I wanna have a house before I turn 40 years old. even if it's a small house, I'd like to have MY own home.
2. I'd like to see the ocean in the next 2 years. Atlantic, pacific, doesn't matter, I wanna see the ocean.
3. People who are on their cellphone while in lines at any cashier checkout are annoying.
4. I can't stand the rude people who smoke while waiting in the public transportation's cabin.
5. I wanna get my driver's license.

6. I'd like to own a car!

7. I'd like to see women ordained as catholic priests before I die.
8. I'd like to see catholic priests be allowed to marry before I die.
9. People who touch me in the bus when there's plenty of available free space creep me out.

10. I want to have a real retirement fund to plan my own retirement.

11. I'd like to meet with my Brother-in-law who lives oversea. Maybe one day, maybe.
12. I'm proud to be a member of the church's council.

13. I have started to "look closely" at the way people are dressing since I've been watching "What not to wear" it's a shame the way some people dress.
Happy TT! I would like to see some of those things as well. :)
Weighty matters!
This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.
I think I have to agree with a lot of this. Especially that whole bit about the priests. I'm with you on that one and I'm not even Catholic!
And yes, you SHOULD own your own home. It's a wonderful pain in the rear... and it's a wonderful thing, too. I hope you get to experience it.
thanks girls!!! :)
I guess we'll agree to disagree over the priesthood, but you should own your own house.
I highly agree with # 7 and 8.
Happy TT!
I think those are very achievable goals! I do hope that priests will be able to marry - and wouldn't it be cool if....
You're fighting Opus Dei. Know any of them? (shivering) I do.
Happy TT!
You must see the ocean. I've lived near an ocean or a bay all of my life.
Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
Great stuff! As always, I enjoyed your honesty. You are a gift unto yourself. Know that!
Those are alot of great goals...im with you on #9. I dont like unwanted people in my space anywhere or anytime. Why dont you have a drivers license, girlfriend?? Need someone to drive ya;) Give me a call!! Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
Oceans are very wet, though they can look nice.
Don't you just want someone to recommend you to What not to wear? It would be great!
You haven't seen an ocean, oh my, that's just so alien to me. We grew up seven miles from the ocean in Massachusetts. If you ever get out traveling to the New England Area, let me know and I will show all types of ocean front.
I enjoy lists like this...and so don't miss riding the T to work, like do you really have to touch yourself in front of us type people just skeeve me out. Some of these may come true for you.
Numbers 7 & 8 are the reason I am Episcopalian and not Catholic.
The Pink Flamingo
Great list of goals! I hope you accomplish them!
Being a Catholic, I totally agree with you on 7 & 8. What are you waiting for in getting you driver's license? :o)
I had a parent shush me during her conference today so that she could answer her cell phone. Rudeness and stupidity are an awful combination.
No driver's license? Curious.
Got superstitions? Check out my Cajun beliefs.
Happy TT!
Hope you'd get your wishes fulfilled :)
Interesting list. I'd like to see catholic priests be able to marry, too. I think it would cut down on all the abuse stuff the church has suffered with over the years.
You should come over to the UK as it's now illegal to smoke in enclosed public areas. Great for us non-smokers who can now enjoy the warmth without having our airways choked with smoke. Not so great for the smokers who are now freezing their a*** off in the cold. And believe me, it's cold!
Lives Less Ordinary
Great list! I, too, would like to own a house sometime in the next couple of years. It was great reading!
Happy TT! Good list! You're thinking, girl!
Come on over - I'll bring you to the ocean!
Happy TT!
I always say I'd love to be on What Not To Wear, but I don't think I could take Stacy's comments if they were directed at me lol Happy Holidays!
#4 bugs me too. I hated people who did that even when I was a smoker. Gross.
Happy TT :)
HAHA!! The last one made me laugh!
My TT!
i love the ocean! and i am hooked on that show 'how do i look?' i have also checked out tim gunn's guide to style so i have been noticing more the things people wear.
Great list girl! I would like to see number 8 very soon.
Happy TT
And I plan to retire within in year with passive income. (my blog goes into that a lot)
And I agree - although I'm not Catholic so maybe I shouldn't give an opinion - but I'd like to see women priests.
Happy TT-13
I'm a perfect candidate for What Not to Wear...but I've told my friends and family if they nominate me I'd say NO. LOL! I dress too much like a mom, I need to branch out. LOL! I'm on 29 for Pete's sake! I just don't want to do it on t.v.
Oh and I also want a home too. Someday, right?
My Thursday Thirteen is up too! :)
I was going to tell you to get that retirement plan...Then you hit me with #13, I love that show and some people need help!
I'm a walking "Not to Wear" poster, I think....I just don't care about clothes. I like to think I look "colorful" as they say and as if I have "a style of my own." All ways of saying that I'm a walking "What Not to Wear" poster...
I agree with you about the ordination of women, but I ain't holding my breath. At least it happens in the Episcopal Church.
Thanks for visiting ours:
BN-Politics: 13 ways to improve blog traffic
Some of these have crossed my mind lately as well, especially owning a home in the next few years.
I'd love to see women ordained and priest allowed to marry once more as well. Coming up in Catholic school I always found it deeply sad that neither were a reality.
Happy Thursday
thanks everyone!!!!! :)
I take trains and buses all the time and I could have written a couple of these! Glad to know there's a kindred spirit out there. (Thanks for visiting my TT)
I think that if you do an in depth study, you will find that most of the apostles were married and that being single was a personal choice for others. God did not forbid anyone to marry. Maybe the church will see the truth in this some day.
Happy TT
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