Saturday, November 17, 2007

I'm it

The Gal Herself tagged me for the 7 Random and/or Weird Facts about Me meme.

1. As a child, I use to bite my toenails. surprised I know, it's gross!!!

2. Men who are wearing suits turn me on, I think it's incredibly sexy.

3. I hate cleaning the freaking oven.rolleyes

4. I wear earplugs to sleep, it's one of the thing that helps me to let go and relax enough to sleep.

5. I have a very strong voice and I could be in a horror movie. I can scream loud. Ask any of the little funny people at the parish who came too fast or behind my back. lol

6. I can't tolerate not shaving my underarms, the feeling of hair there creeps me out. mad

7. I'm a nervous person, I'm jumpy when people touch me except when it's people I really, really trust. Just so you know, on some occasion, I did screamed very loudly when someone came behind my back to hug

Now the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


Good stuff eh?

As you guys know, life's been treating me good. I couldn't wish for a better life, I've got great friends, a good job, I love myself, I'm at peace with the past, I enjoy everything. Life's just good.

I do lack time tho, the weekdays are long and I have only enough for me. It's a routine of getting up, working, coming home and getting ready for the next day, sleeping, then going back to work.mrgreen Except the nights I have plans. well duh!!!!

Last week I had a meeting with the church council, I take the notes, the secretary but it's actually just the note taker. Many of my friends are members of the council and I was asked "officially" this past week to join them and get elected at the parishioners meeting the first Sunday of December. I said yes, I wasn't sure at first because you know I'm very blunt and I dunno, I'd be happy to be a member and also the only woman of the council. wink These guys are great, most of them are my friends. I was touched and honoured by the request.

Anyway, I got the flu shot on Wednesday night, it was a pain in the ass to get an appointment, but I wanted to get it because I get sick easily, I've been getting the shot for the past 6 years I think and I wanted it. smile Anyone else getting the flu shot? It did kick my butt the next day, I felt like shit but I'm all better now.

So the week at work was great, busy, crazy busy but good. I would have tons of stories to tell you, I wish I could. But as of now, y'all can call me the B-Train girl. lol I should change my nickname to this. wink

Today, I got up a little before 10 am, which was surprising, cuz you know, I like to sleep late, I drank good coffee, worked on a document for the parish that The Friendly Boss (TFB) and I have been working on for 2 days. I wrote it, emailed it to him, he corrected it and I read his corrections this morning, added new stuff. We're a good team!!! So I did this, cleaned and did a bit of shredding of old papers. I had 2 boxes of old papers and TFB lend me his shredder to get rid of it I went with a friend to Bigger Town and we shopped. I needed many things at Walmart, went to my favorite store, dollar store, pharmacy and we went to mass at 16h00. mrgreen AF's son was doing his first holy communion and it was a great celebration.

Did I say we had our first snow storm yesterday? And that it went on for the whole freaking day today also? It's over now but it's cold. YUCK!!!!!

So I cooked this evening a bit, I need to finish tomorrow. My house is clean, I'm sitting in my new jammies from my favorite store. They are so comfy, good god!!!! I'm just good, on my couch, with the TV on while I blog. How can life be better that this? confused

How was your week? How's life been treating you? smile

Template giveaway

Splate Designs is doing a holiday giveaway... Follow the link and pray that I win!!! I wish I could get the 1st prize!!!! It would be amazing for my blog!!! Her work is beautiful!!!! mrgreen

Here is the link: the giveaway.