Even tho I work for the catholic church and I attend mass ( but I have't been going in 4 weeks for a multiple of not soo good reasons), I don't always agree with the Holy See, no I don't. Now if you want to damn me to hell or excommunicate me, get ready to fight truely yours.
Believing in something doesn't mean to blindly follow everything. I'm a believer but I also I'm a 20 something years old woman livin in 2007. That means my faith is part of who I am but not ALL of it, it means I enjoy life, I have friends, go out, think of men, date, watch and enjoy Harry Potter, eating out and I also think outside the box.
Just in case http://thefoodwhore.com is reading, I don't eat velveeta cheese. ;)
I spend most of my days thinking " That's just unfreakingbelievable".
Believing in something doesn't mean to blindly follow everything. I'm a believer but I also I'm a 20 something years old woman livin in 2007. That means my faith is part of who I am but not ALL of it, it means I enjoy life, I have friends, go out, think of men, date, watch and enjoy Harry Potter, eating out and I also think outside the box.
Just in case http://thefoodwhore.com is reading, I don't eat velveeta cheese. ;)
I spend most of my days thinking " That's just unfreakingbelievable".